Monday, December 15, 2008

Jackson's YMCA Christmas Program

This picture is kinda dark, it was taken during the performance. Can you find Jackson? He has on the red sweater with 2 white stripes in the middle.
I am so proud of him! He knew all the words and did such a great job singing tonight!
I took this picture while they were practicing before the concert. Jackson sitting with all his girlfriends!!

This is Jackson with his best buddy from his class at the YMCA, Lane. Can anyone say ORNERY!?!?!?


Grammy said...

Jackson, you did such as good sang all the words to all the verses. I don't think MeMe could do that (and sing the right words lol). You looked so handsome and grown-up! Pappy and I were so proud of you.


Anonymous said...

My little J-man ... you did a great job during your program!! I always like visiting the Y with you and also glad to see your artwork in the classroom!

I bet Santa was pleased!!

Love, pappy

Kelly said...

Jackson - you did AWESOME!!!
Brooklyn and I are excited to see you tonight too for dinner!
Love, Aunt Kelly