Jackson helping Brooklyn unwrap her new "princess" car seat.

Jackson trying out his new bicycle helmet...he got knee pads too. I think he is going to need a new bike this summer!

Jackson and Brooklyn singing "jingle bells" with the Christmas bear.

Uncle Charlie and Brooklyn made a birthday cake for Jesus....Jackson got to blow out the candle.

Charlie, Brooklyn and Jackson waiting for the candle to be blown out. Jackson couldn't wait to eat cake on Christmas!!! ( I'm not sure if he got the true meaning :))
Jackson - we LOVED seeing you today - we have lots of fun times ahead of us playing with lots of toys!!!
Jackson, you look so cool in your new Spiderman bike helmet! Too Cool! Brookie loved having you help her unwrap her gifts! You have gotten to be quite the singer....I love it when you sing! I can't believe you and Brooklyn are growing up so fast! I love you.......MeMe
Looks like you guys had a great family Christmas!
How's my little J-man? Still recovering from all the neat toys Santa brought you?? Thanks for helping Brooklyn open her presents and I know she got a kick out of watching you open yours!! See you again this weekend ... LOVE, pappy
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